Where are you going? Your long face, pulling down. Don't hide away, like an ocean. You can't see, but you can smell and the sound of the waves crashin down.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


yah so let's go.


so basically keyana had us all cast but hadn't written a word of the play yet when it was due the next day. fun, no? so we all hung out in the hallway and gave her ideas of what to write then in the computer lab i helped her type it up with my mad typing skills.

it ended up being just okay. i was jamie. that's pretty much it, nothing interesting.


can i just say... shall we applaud my best friend on her script writing skills? :) though, she only did the first five or so chapters, it was still written very very well. and everyone had costumes and such and british accents.

so i was miss nightwing so i wore my black blouse with the pink flowers and then my black pencil skirt. my hair was in a bun also and i wore flats so it was all fun. honestly? karys and i had a scene together and we were awesome in it. she had to be sarcastic and bored while i was strict and almost... pretending to be nice. even when Jaylen leant out the door and yelled at people to SHUT THE HELL UP, we still continued and i got 100 % marks on my acting skills. so yeah man.


AHAHAHAHAHA. let's just say, the actors saved this play. in the practises, she honestly stood there while we all tried to get everyone to calm down and rehearse. it didn't work though so when we went in to do it... we went in blindly and just had to improv a lot of it. everyone had chopsticks as wands though. i was death eater 1 and i had a black coat and a black beany hat. now, shall i go through the scenes?

2 - so this was the wedding scene between fleur and bill. so everyone had to be walking in and i basically creeped on pretending to be a gangster with my hood up (to hide my hat as it was a sign of being a deatheater), pretending to be at the wedding and waving to people and such. so i sat down next to karys (who was hermione) and we shook hands and everyone was laughing cause they knew that i was a deatheater. so after the ceremony the music turned on and i went to walk away - towards madi and dina who were the other deatheaters and were hiding - when karys grabbed me and began to dance with me rather raucously which knocked off my hood. then, maddy and megan both dipped and came back up when megan (fleur) saw me and screamed. it was then that i cast a spell and the other deatheaters came in and we battled until they disapparated.

4 - so this is where voldemort shows up and is giving hogwarts and ultimatum. so the three of us were behind jaylen all giggling like little girls and cheering as he stood on a chair and talked. when he was done no one spoke because they weren't sure what to do. so in the silence i just yelled 'GO VOLDY! I LOVE YOU MASTER!' and madi and dina caught on. let's just say, we got a few laughs.

5 - harry goes to die. so i'm shining voldemorts shoes which i improved while he examines his nails. when potter enters her pushes me away and i hurry to stand beside him. he says his spiel when i go in teh silence because Jaylen forgot to say his lines... 'KILL HIM MASTER!' and jaylen whacks me over the head, calls me a prat and pushes me away. then he gets killed and YEAH.

7 - voldemorts telling htem their hero is dead. so ethan is just laying there and no one was saying anything to all us death eaters started cheering  and hollering. we even sang 'we are the champions' which made our teacher laugh almost until he cried. then the light side caught on and pretended to cry. then riley (neville) being HILARIOUS goes forwards and slices off naginis head and yeah then Ethan jumps up and does his speech. the three of us were booing too and madi even tried to trip ethan which got us a few laughs. when voldemort was killed though it made me laugh SO FRICKIN HARD when riley went up and checked his pulse. :D

ye so, i have to go write my second one. SEE YA.

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