Where are you going? Your long face, pulling down. Don't hide away, like an ocean. You can't see, but you can smell and the sound of the waves crashin down.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

For once, I’m not writing this on blogspot! No, this is in a word document because I’m on my way to my gramcrackers house and therefore, do not have internet. But, I figured since I was procrastinating doing work anyways, I might as well do a blog post while I did it!
            I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately, which is weird for me. Usually, my head hits the pillow on the weekend and I fall asleep instantly until 10 or 11 the next day. Now though, I’m up at least two hours after I originally planned to sleep. It’s annoying. Really. Annoying. Especially, when I have a lot of work to do and when I don’ sleep I have no initiative what so ever to do anything but read FF and hang out.
            I saw Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides yesterday with the parents. I don’t care what anyone says, I sometimes like being nerdy and going out with the ‘rents. Firstly: They pay. What can be better than that? Secondly: They go get the popcorn re-fill. So, yes, I have lots of reasons that you cannot question. Of course, I would never see something like ‘The Hangover’ or ‘Easy A’ with them as that would just be tooooo awkward (we saw Black Swan together on Christmas Day. Wow.), but movies either than that are fine. Plus, they share my opinion that NOTHING can beat the first Pirates movie. I saw it with them when I was a youngin’ and it was one of the only movies that my dad didn’t pull his whole ‘aloof’ thing. Honestly, some days I want to smack him.
            It certainly helped my potential novel plotting, though! Note: I didn’t steal anything from the movie, the score just got me in the mood. POTC music? The best pirate music in the world. And for anyone who’s curious and wants me to tell them the plot. I don’t have it yet. Which just made me sad. So screw you. But seriously, I only have characters and the like and a vague vague vague plot idea. But it involves pirates, royalty and potentially some sort of abnormal happenings. I haven’t decided yet, though. J + R (MC + MC2) have been surprisingly active in my head though. It’s probably a good thing but their quite annoying. Plus, I haven’t decided if one of them is dying yet so it’s kind of awks. :/

            Back from my visit. My mom irks me so much. When she’s in a bad mood, she has to bring everyone down and make little comments under her breath. Normally, I can ignore her. But when she says them purely to hurt me, it gets at me. I was talking about how I’d like to go out and get a notepad for the 30 day challenge I think I’m doing and she just kept… commenting under her breath. I’m used to it by now that it only makes me look at her and think: ‘Why? Why would you say things like that? I’m your daughter, not some tramp.’ So. Charlotte is not too happy at the moment.
            But she’s actually  kind of SUPER DUPER HAPPY for others things. I got a message on FF saying that someone wanted to follow my Tumblr and so I was sort of confused as I don’t really have a Tumblr. But then they sent me the post that was raving about me and Charlotte goes to jump off a cliff because she’s so blushing and glowing and in one of those ‘aw-shucks’ moods. It actually makes up for my less than supportive parents.
            BUT… my mom wasn’t bad all day. We were sitting, waiting for my sister to wheel my grandmother over at the mall and we were talking about how whenever I see an author posting on Tumblr I get all excited about how I wish it was me posting that. I mentioned to my mom that the youngest author to get on the bestseller list is 27. Then I asked her if she thinks I’ll be published before I was 27. She gave me this really earnest look and said Yes. Actually. Yes. And it wasn’t one of those slim, half full of wrong-ness yes’. But an actual yes.
            But I am SO pumped for Madi’s cottage! (Note: Yes. I am changing topics rather quickly.) I mentioned Tubing again and my mother insisted that it’s a no but then she – once again – just told me not to talk about it. She almost pulled something when I asked if she had an issue with wake-boarding. I’m guessing I’ll have to put her on limited viewing when I post pictures of me doing it on Facebook.
             ALAS. My mother took me out to get a pretty Chapters notebook for my 30 day challenge. I have to write something that fills up at least a page every day the whole month of June. It's to get inspiration for JulyNoWriMo, which I'm planning on maybe doing with Karys. It's purple. And pretty. YAY! (:



Saturday, May 28, 2011



Excuse that mess of grammar and other errors, I'm just insanely excited. As in insanely!!! It's only for five days but stiiiiiiiiiiiillllll. Isn't it just the perfect set up for a fluff novel? Girl accepts friends offer to stay at cottage just before over seas get away. They drive down and get settled. While trying out some sort of water event for the first time, girl falls off water board/tube/device she's on and gets saved by hunky old time cottage goer. He doesn't recognize her. She acts all coy. They fall in love and BAM, bestseller! 

... Kay, so that's not going to happen but a girl can dream! *dreamy sigh*

I'm even going to TUBE for the first time. Yes, TUBE! I mentioned it to my parents at dinner and my mom  freaked out. She was all, 'NO!'. I thought she was kidding so I just laughed but she actually freaked out. She said she was calling my friends mom to tell her I wasn't allowed anywhere close to a tube and I was so shocked and all, 'Mom! Everyone goes TUBING!'. Eventually, she just said it freaked her out but I could go. Tubing by the way, is when you're in an inflatable tube that's attached to a motor boat and you get pulled along really quickly and over waves and such. I was ecstatic when Madi told me but apparently, my parents didn't share the same views.

A lot of things I was shocked by their reaction. I think I'm pretty brave. I mean, I'm no where close to fearless but I do perform with little nerves for dance in front of judges and hundreds of people! I've been on T.V. I perform trio's and duets for band and I do public speeching with only the customary nerves. I also sing and act in front of loads of people and will walk up and talk to strangers. It's just me. I love roller coasters and doing anything that scares me. I also really want to zip line. Like really. I did on in Florida where you got shocked at the end and fell into the pool and it was AWESOME. Anyways, my parents have all seemed fine with all that too. I know my dads shy and my mom hated when I forced her on the behemoth, but it seems they've turned into scaredy-cats without my realizing!

Like I was describing how we were going boating and my dad got this wide eyed look and started lecturing me on how I HAD to wear a lifebelt of I'd be grounded for life. And when I mentioned that Madi was getting her boating liscense they freaked out... again. I mean, honestly? Do they trust me? I'm not foolish or reckless, I just like a thrill. It's weird, I'd have thought they'd be more excited. They're not huge boat people but come on, now! It's just kind of weird, if I do say so myself. 

But now I have my next issue with this trip: clothing. 

Now, at the risk of being the stereotypical girl character right now, I adore clothing (+shoes +jewelry +sunglasses +makeup). It came from my mother who is a major shopaholic. I used to like it but now that I've lost a bunch of weight and am more confident in myself and my style, I love it. But I've never been camping or cottaging or anything like that. My mothers rule for our vacations is she will not go anywhere she can't blow dry her hair. Generally, my sister and I agree with her - especially, that now I have to straighten my bangs each morning - because we're materialistic. My dad is perfectly fine with that, as well. While this cottage has washers and dryers, wi-fi and or course, electricity, it's still a cottage! Where I'll be walking around in a bathing suit and doing all that... cottagy stuff. My wardrobe is JUST NOT equipped for it. So, I've come up with a list.

What I Need For Cottaging Excursion
1. A Romper. They're awesome to just throw over a bathing suit and go. Plus, they look splendifical with cute pair of sandals. (: I'm thinking one with a print? And loads of color.
2. These rope sandals I found online and have fallen in love with. See here: http://www.southmoonunder.com/gp/Roxy-Braided-Rope-Flip-Flop__146388.aspx
3. Another bathing suit. I have the one but I need another one as my two others don't fit the best over my... erm... lady parts. :S Awks.
4. Some sort of hair product to product my locks from the sun. :/ There's so much choice but right now my hair is gross and splitting all over the place and BLECH, honestly. I'll ask Karen but I doubt she'll really have any suggestions. Erchs.
5. Some more of those braided bracelets to wear. I need to make them though, as I'm not paying 5 $ each for something I could make myself. yes, I am a talented bracelet-weaver. *bows*

That's all I can think of for now, but I'm still panicking. Who cares if it's two months away! AH! :S I'm also super excited, though. Walking around in swim suits + cover ups with Mad-la, sunglasses perched on the top of my damp hair (from the swim we'd had earlier, obviously), laughing to the sounds of my flip flops flopping. And then later in a pair of classy shorts and a nice top with my hair all curly and nice, sitting outside with barbecued food, talking amiably with her parents/grandparents/relative/lil` cutie sissypie. Can't you see it?

Well, I'm off I think. I have a Sims game waiting. Ta-ta!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Short Post. :S Sorry.

Sundays seem so much longer with the new dance schedule now, even though everything is condensed. It didn't help that everyone was beyond exhausted today. I proved to be of good use though during my breaks, Avery was studying for a major math test and instead of using a calculator, she just asked me all of her integer questions. What can I say, integers is the only thing I'm actually good at.

I've done a lot of homework already, but I need to end this quite quickly because I still have math to do. And I want to get in a bit more studying for my Geography test tomorrow.

So goodbye!


P.S Packages haven't arrived yet. :( So what if it's Sunday! So what if I ordered it yesterday! I want it NOW.

P.P.S You know the term 'it looks like a bomb went off in here? It perfectly describe my room right now.

P.P.P.S Now I actually have to go. Joe Jonas just burst into random song. EW.