Where are you going? Your long face, pulling down. Don't hide away, like an ocean. You can't see, but you can smell and the sound of the waves crashin down.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Short Post. :S Sorry.

Sundays seem so much longer with the new dance schedule now, even though everything is condensed. It didn't help that everyone was beyond exhausted today. I proved to be of good use though during my breaks, Avery was studying for a major math test and instead of using a calculator, she just asked me all of her integer questions. What can I say, integers is the only thing I'm actually good at.

I've done a lot of homework already, but I need to end this quite quickly because I still have math to do. And I want to get in a bit more studying for my Geography test tomorrow.

So goodbye!


P.S Packages haven't arrived yet. :( So what if it's Sunday! So what if I ordered it yesterday! I want it NOW.

P.P.S You know the term 'it looks like a bomb went off in here? It perfectly describe my room right now.

P.P.P.S Now I actually have to go. Joe Jonas just burst into random song. EW.

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