Where are you going? Your long face, pulling down. Don't hide away, like an ocean. You can't see, but you can smell and the sound of the waves crashin down.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

stressed spelled backwards is desserts .

me stomacho est killing me. =X i had to come home early from dance because of it. but now with some advil, lemon water and a bit of food, i'm feeling a bit better. i think i just need to sleep to be honest =S

blech. 4 days into the new year and i'm already filled up with home work. i have a french book report to say out loud in front of the class. and i have an evenements courrants thing do or some thing. then we have gifted next week. and we have extra math home work cause we're 'schausters'. then i have an english script i have to write, teach to actors in my class and present. but worst of all?

we have to write a short story for english tomorrow.

so whenever i groan about it or some thing people always look at it weird cause they know i love to write. the thing is i can only write when it hits me, i can never make myself write, and never when there's any one else near me. also, if i have a deadline, then my muses fly off to hawaii until it's passed. i've found out deadlines are like epidemics to muses, they run from them with every thing they've got. i was thinking of just giving in the story i wrote but i don't know. *sigh*

i just let my parents read my story, with a few changes of course, and i might hand it in eventually. i want to look over it again of course, and read it out loud a couple times to see if it flows and everything but i don't know. is it cheating? =X

and karys has a sick idea for a story that i'm jealous i didn't come up with. i'm SO excited to read it. = )

alright. one scene done on my english. plus the title page and the cast is 85 % done. i just need to confirm  2 people and get some more extras.

i'm going to go shower soon and then head to bed. tomorrow i'll print off my paper and just the casting sheet and see what's going on. but before i go to bed i might turn on my computer and open up some old stories that i'm thinking about transferring over to this computer for old times sake. i don't know but some of my newer ones from school last year aren't that bad.



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