Where are you going? Your long face, pulling down. Don't hide away, like an ocean. You can't see, but you can smell and the sound of the waves crashin down.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

twentyeighth of december II

tron. was. amazing. AMAZING. that's all i'm going to say about it. either than the dude that played sam? holy smokes.

we're trying to figure out how we're going to get to The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter. we might go tomorrow. my dad wants to go friday for new years eve but we don't think we can get in and see dana's soccer friends play at the same time. and i want to go. i NEED to go. i want to have butterbeer. :( and throw owls at people to convince them they're real! and i want to be the typical tourist with my camera glued to my hand and a huge smile on my face. D: i NEEEDD to go. NEED. NEED. NEED. i need it like i need breath. i need to buy jokes at zonkos joke shop. i need to eat at the three broomsticks and order butterbear at the hogshead. i need to send letters from the owlery and get my picture taken with the conductor from the hogwarts express! i need to visit the book store and i need to go to ollivanders wand store! you don't understand the extent of my nerdiness but at this moment, i'm fit with harry potter-itis and there's nothing you can do about it that our lovely medi-witch prof. pomfrey can't fix! and that made no sense! that's exactly how i feel right now.


whew. that took a lot of steam.

today during tron though i got a vague story idea. i had no paper but i had a pen. so i wrote on the few blank pages in the book i was reading. i can no longer sell the book in our future garage sale but the idea is written down! woohoo!

and i finished another book. that's a record of... wait. 'Deep In Another World.' 'The Fluff Book' 'Get Well Soon'. 'Goodnight Beautiful.' 'Smile For The Camera'. FIVE books... but I think I may be missing some. Ah. Wells.

I love Helena Roberts, too.


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