Where are you going? Your long face, pulling down. Don't hide away, like an ocean. You can't see, but you can smell and the sound of the waves crashin down.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

twentyfifth of december

ah. florida. how i love/loathe thee. 

hello everyone. my name is Charlotte Little, i'm a little canadian dancer/writer/photographer and my life seems to be forever in shambles. some one suggested to me once that i should keep a blog, keep all of my commentary down in one place so i can go back in ten years and realize how horrible i was. i decided i would... or at least try to stick with it because lord knows the effort i put into things.

it's christmas... but not actually as my family had christmas a week ago. all over facebook people are posting their new blackberry pins and phone numbers and i'm just sitting here and watching with a smile. laptops here, ipods there, phones all over the place and here i am! don't get me wrong, i have all of that. in fact, i'd die without my babies which i will now introduce to you all.

un. the one i really could not live without is my laptop. it's a macbook 13" named Sebastian. i got it around a year and 2 months ago. i've written two novels on it thus far (nanowrimo) and many stories as well as have much school work and photographs on it. really, if i'm not by sebastian for a long time i start going through withdrawal. it's not even facebook or twitter that i'm obsessed with, it's the writing on it and just... having my whole life in one spot. it's awesome. :)

deux. the new phone. i got it three weeks ago i think. it's an iPhone 4 and it's tentatively named the Titanic. it was obama for awhile but when my friend announced she was getting married to this president i had to switch it. i'm pretty in love with it to be honest. i'm not obsessed or anything seeing as i can't text for two weeks being in the u.s but i do feel bare without it. at home i carry it with me everywhere seeing as it's also my iPod and i live off music. mostly i use it for texting, email (for work and such) and music. though i'm on the internet a lot too.

trois. my camera. magnus. it's a Canon Rebel DSLR or some thing. i dont' know but it's proffessional and my dad got it for me half a year ago (for my birthday). like i said previously, i'm pretty in love with it. it used to be pulled out just for shoots i did but now it's my primary camera seeing as my poor little abused Canon point and shoot finally bit the bullet. i brought that little thing every where and now it won't turn on... ah well, i'm more than happy to get more use out of magnus. 

that's pretty much it. i got chapter twelve out of RTM, an ongoing story i have on with around 100 followers and 130 reviews last time i checked. :) i'm pretty proud of it but i'm working on getting myself a beta now so that i can have some one force me to write and get it done and so on which will start out being nice and soon will make me want to knock a gun into my head i'm guessing. i have one tentative beta lined up which is nice. 

for christmas i got a lot of small things seeing as my phone was sort of my main present, i just got it early. what i got here though is pretty epic, it's a new tri-pod for my camera! i've already used it bunches and i got it three hours ago. now i just need to buy myself a new point and shoot and voila! and i suppose getting out a chapter of RTM was another present to myself though i should get out 13 before i go back to school and things become harder. 8S. yep. sounds fun. i also have a one shot to publish if i ever hear back from the contest author that it's supposed to be under. i'm tempted to just put it under now anyways if it wasn't my first time posting for that fandom and i wasn't so worried about what people would think. ah. well. also i have a new story (not a real one) festering out with two new characters i'm demi proud of. Elodie and Dimitri. sound cool? mmm.

i think i'm going to publish said story now. sounds like a plan.


p.s going to see a movie today for christmas, might post a review afterwards. might.

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