Where are you going? Your long face, pulling down. Don't hide away, like an ocean. You can't see, but you can smell and the sound of the waves crashin down.

Friday, July 15, 2011


I just saw the last Harry Potter movie.
And I wept.
About five times...
Fred dies? Cry. Remus & Tonks? Cry. All the dead come? Cry. Harry gets 'killed'? Cry. Rest of movie? (especially the end)? Cry. Cry. BALL LIKE A FREAKIN CHILD.
It was amazing. No cheesy parts. Neville was awesome. Everything about it was extraordinary. It's odd. When it was done, I turned to my sister and simply said: "It's over." And though she doesn't get it, it truly is.
Harry Potter has been with me since grade two. I've read the books. Lined up for movies. Been to the theme park. Had marathons. Written fanfiction. Read fanfiction. Dreamt about it! Sure, I may not have been hardcore enough to wear robes around or advertise my love to the extreme. But... that wasn't because I was embarrassed... It was because it's a private thing for me. The world that J.K Rowling created is something that I'll always carry with me. No one can see that last movie and not say that the woman is a brilliant mind, to the likes of Einstein. Sure, she hasn't saved lives. But she's new lives. Stories that will take the readers on adventures of unknowns. That's private for me. Private and wonderful.
While there will always be a place in my heart for Harry Potter, I can't say that I don't feel this is an ending. I hope J.K Rowling gives us many other great things.
Goodbye Hermione, Ron, James & Lily, Sirius, Remus, Ginny, Fred, George, Percy, Bill, Charlie, Molly, Arthur, Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, Flitwick, Slughorn, Trelawney, Sinistra, Hagrid even Voldemort. And goodbye Harry, the boy - who - lived.
Thank you. For everything...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Canada Day!

So, it's the second official day of summer (and Canada day!) and my family is on a cleaning frenzy.

Set the scene. I'm sitting in my sweatpants in the bathroom, a safety pin and my phone in my hands as I pick away at the inside of my phone. My mom walks in.

Mom: What are you doing?
Me: Trying to get this fluff out of my phone.
Mom: *alarmed* Is it stopping it from working properly?
Me: No... It's just bugging me.

This is when my mom finds my answer completely suitable and leaves me be. I'm from a weird family.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


So my dance studio had an opportunity for pre-comp or comp dancers to perform three times during the olympics. One big performance and two smaller ones. It would be amazing cause it would be during the olympics and really really awesome. Unfortunately, my parents and I both decided against it because we are going to england this year. But then my mother was talking to my studio director, Miss Rebecca asked my mother if she could take me. :O :O :O And I think that we're going to say yes! It would be so much fun and it would be me and alysha! So exciting!

I'm not sure, though.  :S


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Good news? Go shopping!

get good news = go shopping.

that's pretty much how my family works. well... the women in my family at least. (:

so how about we explain? wednesday we had our dance troupe auditions. they aren't a big big deal because you know you're getting it. it's more if you're moving up, if you're with your friends and what dances you make. so today (saturday), it was time to get the envelope. mom and i walked up and guess what? I'M IN SENIORRRRRRR! *throws confetti* ahhh i remember when i was just a little mini. going out onstage for the first time. being scared to death. those were the days. but now I AM the one the littlees will look up to. i'm actually kind of super pumped here. :S like super pumped here.

but i'd already had plans to go shopping with madi that day. so her grandpa picked me up. we went to aerie and I GOT A ROMPER HOLY YAYS! it's army green and very purrdyyyyy. and i got a sports bra/bandeau thing. and a light green floppy shirt. and a headband. so everyone can now be excited for me. (: and i also got two pairs of high waised shorts for AE (hey! it was buy one - for 29.99 - get another for 10.00! how could i resist?). then i got a beach bag and sunglasses from garage. and a pair of nautical shorts and TOMMMMMSSSS from aritizia. super cool. super hot. right? i love shopping. like actually.

then we went and saw super eight. firslty. why is it called super eight? secondly. BEST MOVIE EVER. it was hilarious and scary at the same time. thing a mixture between ALIEN and the GOONIES. it was actually hilarious.

recital went good too. there was one moment where genesis had to go on one number ahead because a little girl was missing from the other one. so it was only me, anya and alysha onstage when the lights and music came on. it was MAYHEM. avery and rachel were changing from hip hop so they got onstage near the middle. miss rebecca told us she was so fortunate it was us there and not pre-comps or people who would have handled it badly. and i cried at the end. a lot. and during down to the river. miss amy stood in the corner and pointed at her 'starry crown' which was actually a lime green headband that was part of a little kids costumes. ah. the craziness of dance. how i love it.

only a week and three days left of school. shocking. we're not really doing anything though. it's boring and kind of fun at the same time. weird mix. don't mock me.

and madi is giving me all of her babysitting clients while she's away for the summer. i'm going to go meet them monday and then i'll start babysitting when she leaves. i'm pretty pumped. three one and a half year old babies, two five and two year olds and that's it. but thats FIVE CLIENTS. wooooo! cause my fliers didn't bring in any revenue. ah poo. i had a dream all the backlash was in my junk email though. it's not. trust me. i checked.

well, i have to go put my clothing away. ta-ta!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Studying for the biggest science test of life. No big deal.

MOM: so what's 'la salinite?' *reading off science pre-test sheet*
ME: :O umm... er... c'est la chaleur qui s'ecoule and umm... cellules vers l'endroit BASSIN HYDROGRAPHIQUES. (basically throwing in a bunch of science words.)
MOM: 'c'est la concentration de sel dissous dans l'eau.' *still reading off sheet*
ME: Yeah. I said that. >.>

Sunday, May 29, 2011

For once, I’m not writing this on blogspot! No, this is in a word document because I’m on my way to my gramcrackers house and therefore, do not have internet. But, I figured since I was procrastinating doing work anyways, I might as well do a blog post while I did it!
            I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately, which is weird for me. Usually, my head hits the pillow on the weekend and I fall asleep instantly until 10 or 11 the next day. Now though, I’m up at least two hours after I originally planned to sleep. It’s annoying. Really. Annoying. Especially, when I have a lot of work to do and when I don’ sleep I have no initiative what so ever to do anything but read FF and hang out.
            I saw Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides yesterday with the parents. I don’t care what anyone says, I sometimes like being nerdy and going out with the ‘rents. Firstly: They pay. What can be better than that? Secondly: They go get the popcorn re-fill. So, yes, I have lots of reasons that you cannot question. Of course, I would never see something like ‘The Hangover’ or ‘Easy A’ with them as that would just be tooooo awkward (we saw Black Swan together on Christmas Day. Wow.), but movies either than that are fine. Plus, they share my opinion that NOTHING can beat the first Pirates movie. I saw it with them when I was a youngin’ and it was one of the only movies that my dad didn’t pull his whole ‘aloof’ thing. Honestly, some days I want to smack him.
            It certainly helped my potential novel plotting, though! Note: I didn’t steal anything from the movie, the score just got me in the mood. POTC music? The best pirate music in the world. And for anyone who’s curious and wants me to tell them the plot. I don’t have it yet. Which just made me sad. So screw you. But seriously, I only have characters and the like and a vague vague vague plot idea. But it involves pirates, royalty and potentially some sort of abnormal happenings. I haven’t decided yet, though. J + R (MC + MC2) have been surprisingly active in my head though. It’s probably a good thing but their quite annoying. Plus, I haven’t decided if one of them is dying yet so it’s kind of awks. :/

            Back from my visit. My mom irks me so much. When she’s in a bad mood, she has to bring everyone down and make little comments under her breath. Normally, I can ignore her. But when she says them purely to hurt me, it gets at me. I was talking about how I’d like to go out and get a notepad for the 30 day challenge I think I’m doing and she just kept… commenting under her breath. I’m used to it by now that it only makes me look at her and think: ‘Why? Why would you say things like that? I’m your daughter, not some tramp.’ So. Charlotte is not too happy at the moment.
            But she’s actually  kind of SUPER DUPER HAPPY for others things. I got a message on FF saying that someone wanted to follow my Tumblr and so I was sort of confused as I don’t really have a Tumblr. But then they sent me the post that was raving about me and Charlotte goes to jump off a cliff because she’s so blushing and glowing and in one of those ‘aw-shucks’ moods. It actually makes up for my less than supportive parents.
            BUT… my mom wasn’t bad all day. We were sitting, waiting for my sister to wheel my grandmother over at the mall and we were talking about how whenever I see an author posting on Tumblr I get all excited about how I wish it was me posting that. I mentioned to my mom that the youngest author to get on the bestseller list is 27. Then I asked her if she thinks I’ll be published before I was 27. She gave me this really earnest look and said Yes. Actually. Yes. And it wasn’t one of those slim, half full of wrong-ness yes’. But an actual yes.
            But I am SO pumped for Madi’s cottage! (Note: Yes. I am changing topics rather quickly.) I mentioned Tubing again and my mother insisted that it’s a no but then she – once again – just told me not to talk about it. She almost pulled something when I asked if she had an issue with wake-boarding. I’m guessing I’ll have to put her on limited viewing when I post pictures of me doing it on Facebook.
             ALAS. My mother took me out to get a pretty Chapters notebook for my 30 day challenge. I have to write something that fills up at least a page every day the whole month of June. It's to get inspiration for JulyNoWriMo, which I'm planning on maybe doing with Karys. It's purple. And pretty. YAY! (:



Saturday, May 28, 2011



Excuse that mess of grammar and other errors, I'm just insanely excited. As in insanely!!! It's only for five days but stiiiiiiiiiiiillllll. Isn't it just the perfect set up for a fluff novel? Girl accepts friends offer to stay at cottage just before over seas get away. They drive down and get settled. While trying out some sort of water event for the first time, girl falls off water board/tube/device she's on and gets saved by hunky old time cottage goer. He doesn't recognize her. She acts all coy. They fall in love and BAM, bestseller! 

... Kay, so that's not going to happen but a girl can dream! *dreamy sigh*

I'm even going to TUBE for the first time. Yes, TUBE! I mentioned it to my parents at dinner and my mom  freaked out. She was all, 'NO!'. I thought she was kidding so I just laughed but she actually freaked out. She said she was calling my friends mom to tell her I wasn't allowed anywhere close to a tube and I was so shocked and all, 'Mom! Everyone goes TUBING!'. Eventually, she just said it freaked her out but I could go. Tubing by the way, is when you're in an inflatable tube that's attached to a motor boat and you get pulled along really quickly and over waves and such. I was ecstatic when Madi told me but apparently, my parents didn't share the same views.

A lot of things I was shocked by their reaction. I think I'm pretty brave. I mean, I'm no where close to fearless but I do perform with little nerves for dance in front of judges and hundreds of people! I've been on T.V. I perform trio's and duets for band and I do public speeching with only the customary nerves. I also sing and act in front of loads of people and will walk up and talk to strangers. It's just me. I love roller coasters and doing anything that scares me. I also really want to zip line. Like really. I did on in Florida where you got shocked at the end and fell into the pool and it was AWESOME. Anyways, my parents have all seemed fine with all that too. I know my dads shy and my mom hated when I forced her on the behemoth, but it seems they've turned into scaredy-cats without my realizing!

Like I was describing how we were going boating and my dad got this wide eyed look and started lecturing me on how I HAD to wear a lifebelt of I'd be grounded for life. And when I mentioned that Madi was getting her boating liscense they freaked out... again. I mean, honestly? Do they trust me? I'm not foolish or reckless, I just like a thrill. It's weird, I'd have thought they'd be more excited. They're not huge boat people but come on, now! It's just kind of weird, if I do say so myself. 

But now I have my next issue with this trip: clothing. 

Now, at the risk of being the stereotypical girl character right now, I adore clothing (+shoes +jewelry +sunglasses +makeup). It came from my mother who is a major shopaholic. I used to like it but now that I've lost a bunch of weight and am more confident in myself and my style, I love it. But I've never been camping or cottaging or anything like that. My mothers rule for our vacations is she will not go anywhere she can't blow dry her hair. Generally, my sister and I agree with her - especially, that now I have to straighten my bangs each morning - because we're materialistic. My dad is perfectly fine with that, as well. While this cottage has washers and dryers, wi-fi and or course, electricity, it's still a cottage! Where I'll be walking around in a bathing suit and doing all that... cottagy stuff. My wardrobe is JUST NOT equipped for it. So, I've come up with a list.

What I Need For Cottaging Excursion
1. A Romper. They're awesome to just throw over a bathing suit and go. Plus, they look splendifical with cute pair of sandals. (: I'm thinking one with a print? And loads of color.
2. These rope sandals I found online and have fallen in love with. See here: http://www.southmoonunder.com/gp/Roxy-Braided-Rope-Flip-Flop__146388.aspx
3. Another bathing suit. I have the one but I need another one as my two others don't fit the best over my... erm... lady parts. :S Awks.
4. Some sort of hair product to product my locks from the sun. :/ There's so much choice but right now my hair is gross and splitting all over the place and BLECH, honestly. I'll ask Karen but I doubt she'll really have any suggestions. Erchs.
5. Some more of those braided bracelets to wear. I need to make them though, as I'm not paying 5 $ each for something I could make myself. yes, I am a talented bracelet-weaver. *bows*

That's all I can think of for now, but I'm still panicking. Who cares if it's two months away! AH! :S I'm also super excited, though. Walking around in swim suits + cover ups with Mad-la, sunglasses perched on the top of my damp hair (from the swim we'd had earlier, obviously), laughing to the sounds of my flip flops flopping. And then later in a pair of classy shorts and a nice top with my hair all curly and nice, sitting outside with barbecued food, talking amiably with her parents/grandparents/relative/lil` cutie sissypie. Can't you see it?

Well, I'm off I think. I have a Sims game waiting. Ta-ta!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Short Post. :S Sorry.

Sundays seem so much longer with the new dance schedule now, even though everything is condensed. It didn't help that everyone was beyond exhausted today. I proved to be of good use though during my breaks, Avery was studying for a major math test and instead of using a calculator, she just asked me all of her integer questions. What can I say, integers is the only thing I'm actually good at.

I've done a lot of homework already, but I need to end this quite quickly because I still have math to do. And I want to get in a bit more studying for my Geography test tomorrow.

So goodbye!


P.S Packages haven't arrived yet. :( So what if it's Sunday! So what if I ordered it yesterday! I want it NOW.

P.P.S You know the term 'it looks like a bomb went off in here? It perfectly describe my room right now.

P.P.P.S Now I actually have to go. Joe Jonas just burst into random song. EW.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Packages galore!

Packages are coming! I love when packages are coming, they make me so happy and hopeful. And my parents love when they're coming too because then I actually bring in the mail (because I check).

What's coming? Two packages. One that I actually JUST ordered.

Uno) Skin ID. Four products. Travel case. That's pretty much it. Buh BYYEEEEE acne. Cool, huh?

Dos) FOREVER 21 JEWELERY! I am soooo excited. So, I only have one real long necklace and I decided I needed more. So I bought ten things. 9 necklaces, one bracelet set. Cool, huh?

Today we went to the states to go shopping and I got a boatload of stuff for our school trip to Quebec. Including an outfit for the dance. The outfit is from Hollister and it's a navy tiered skirt with a gray tanktop, studded belt and a necklace. I'm hoping I have some of my new necklaces before then but I don't know. And I'm saving the rest of my clothing for then too so I can be like SURPRISE! And everyone will bathe in my goodlooking-ness. But I bought a bunch of bra's too. Which was painful for me because I hate bra shopping. I love every other kind of shopping imaginable - yes, even grocery shopping - except bra shopping. But I got four bras which is good for me concidering all of mine are at laest 2 years old. Except one, but it fits really badly. The favorite thing from our little voyage? Perry The Platopus T-Shirt. It's huge and beautiful and I am so excited! I got it to hang out in mostly. To wear as comfy P.J's. My mother didn't understand the epicness of such a shirt. OH! And I got two more pairs of sunglasses. I now have... hmm... seven... NO NINE pairs of sunglasses. Two are faux though, as in they don't actually have sun sheilding lenses their just for when Miss Charlotte plays dress up games.

And I got my grad shoes! Their black, peep toed, four inch heels. Patented with a sling back. Very cute if I do say so myself. Which I do. (:

Graduation is coming so fast! Quebec is almost a week away, then graduation, then maryland, then england, then highschool! :O It's shocking and a bit scary. :S Calm Charlotte. Think of the packages. Think only of the packages. Phew. 

Well, I need to shower or something. Then clean the stuff off y bed enough that I can sleeeeeeeeeeeepp. Nighty night!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Birthday Wishes

what i want for my burfffday:

- donation to nano :) and i told my mom who pretty much has said she'll tell all my relatives! hello little donators halo!

- sephora gift card. what can i say? i'm a makeup junkie.

- aritzia laptop case :S my mom says they don't carry them anymore but i'm not giving up hope! i will find one to hold my darling Sebastian for nano next year.

- two books that i know i'm getting. the new cassie clare and red glove. i know i'm getting them because when we were shopping with my grandma, i took my moms money, bought them, and gave them to my mom to give me for my birthday.

the rest i don't care about :S

Friday, March 18, 2011

Little Zombie Tidbit.

wow. so i'm sane. want proof?

            I sometimes wondered why I survived. Why me, out of everyone in my town, was the one left standing. I could only think of one thing to answer that question. I was so unappealing to anyone, that even the bloodthirsty zombies didn’t want me.
            It’s amazing that ugliness ended up being my saving factor.
            And a bit depressing, considering I didn’t actually find myself half bad before now. Well, fuck that. If ugliness left me with more than an ounce of humanity left, then I’m pretty okay with it. I’d rather be an grotesque human than a gorgeous zombie.
            What constitutes a gorgeous zombie anyway? Blood and guts in just the right places?
            You know you’ve been affected by this shit hole of a world when you start making jokes about those out to maim you. Well, not exactly maim, but maiming and devouring are pretty much the same thing right? No? Not even close? The way I see it, you die either way. At least one way doesn’t make you want to loose your lunch – or take a bullet to the head - as much as the other. ‘Cause everyone gets a bit suicidal when you just could be the last person left in this world.
            Okay, the last human that doesn’t have an intense affection for the taste of man brains.
            I guess George Romero had one thing right in Night of the Living Dead.

Weather. Books. Zombies.

by the time I get home, I may be able to actually wear all the shorts I bought. :)

but alas, I'm exagerating quite a bit. it's only thirteen degrees last i checked. =S is it sad that i'm... dare i say it, actually thinking i'll miss the cold sometimes? okay, more like i'll miss not getting weird looks when i wear devons hat but whatever.

it says a lot about you what you carry in your purse. for example, my friend keyana bring this tna purse to school with her everyday. honestly, sometimes we peek in it - she doesn't give a crap - and we can't not laugh because of how much junk she has in there. she has at least three full sized hand creams, a normal sized bath and body works spray, five fruit roll ups, tampons, tissues, her entire lunch, lip gloss, etc. i wonder why she even uses her knapsack when she just hauls her purse wherever she goes. technically, she only needs it for her math textbook.

and we just saw the lincoln lawyer. great - but insanely nerve fraying - movie. good job, mister matthew, good job.

then we went to barnes and noble where i found two promising books. one is by the same author as the book CANDOR which was actually ... *shivers* amazingly memorable. it's called DROUGHT and sounds interesting. the other was is sort of fluffy and looks a bit like an attempt at being a page turner but ... meh, i don't quite feel it'll reach it. who knows though, right?

and now i'm writing a story about Alice Evans, a sarcastic teenager caught in a zombie apocalypse. fun, right?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Mother Has Gone Insane.

so my sister just came into our hotel room (we're in florida) and told me she had news for me.

what was her news?

my mother wants her, dana and i to get our belly button pierced. and she's serious. and she's talking before this vacation ends. HOLYSHAHSDAJSDHASLDJHASL.




Wednesday, March 9, 2011

florida here i come!

SOOOOOOO i just got my hair done! :)

i love going to my hairdresser. i've been going to her since i was in my mothers stomach and she treats us like part of the famjam. like my mom dropped me off then left and she got me a drink and stuff and we talked about her nieces and her dog while she put the dy in my hair. she died it really dark like i like it but even darker than usual. it's good though cause i love the color and it's going to probs lighten up a bit in florida. :) then she cut it and it's crazy long now, it goes over her chair! and i got a deep conditioning treatment and a blow out so it's all good.

so i am SOOO ready for florida. my hair is done, my skin is great and i have my new bikini body ready! all of my clothing and stuff - minus the camera, phone and computer - is spread out all over my floor. i gots my slippers, the new seventeen magazine, my ARITZIA phone case and my huge loopy belt. aswell as my purple pencil skirt and perriwinkle blue dress. i am just so excited for life! first time with my new bathing suit aswell!


Saturday, March 5, 2011

competition numero uno.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , long day of competing :)

so this weekend is the first competition of the season and so far it's going well!

we started friday (last) night with our lyrical group, down to the river to pray. it went well though my hair kept getting in my damn face the entire time! :( we got an emerald and second. the only reason we lost to the first group though is because they got penis points. =S

today i started with my tap solo. i got 5 out of 8 people. i thought i did better to be honest but who knows.

then we had ballet which was fun. it's character ballet and we were dressed as ninjas in black and gold and black and red. we got DIAMOND for that and we weren't against anyone. :D it was awessommeee. it was so amazing because we didn't think we did that well and also usually judges H-A-T-E character ballet and they mark it horribly. one year we had this awesome number called Zoonotic where we had sick costumes and amazing choreography and the judges faild us at competitions because they were jealous of our rad skills.

THEN we had my favorite number, in the basement. so this dance has a history. we're against another group from our studio that is made up of new people. they have our old choreographer as well and therefore some of the same choreography from last year. though we're perfectly civil and good friends with one another, there's unspoken MAJOR competition between the dances. our dance is in a red skimpy fringe outfit and we have pony tails ON TOP OF OUR HEADS and poofs. their dance is in fishnets and a black and gold one piece. so basically, we won and got emerald (though our head of studio said that we had to be majorly close to getting a diamond) and they got second and emerald. we also got a special away though and the judge said:
       "where are all the girls from In The Basement? *insert us screaming here* i saved you for last for a reason. oh. my. god. were you girls on fire! i gave you the burning up the dance floor award because you had so much energy and you attacked every movement and gave everything your all!"
        so we were pretty jazzed. :) it was funny though, before we went onstage we were all so hyper and jumping around and someone from the other group leaned in and whispered to their friend, 'we're screwed'. :D it made me laugh.

so that's it! more to come tomorrow!


rest peacefully, sarah. you are the most beautiful, strongest and bravest little girl i've ever had the honor of knowing. we love you sweetie.

Friday, February 25, 2011

1 - i feel badass with my iPhone. just saying.

2 - i'm entranced by the relationships between men. just the way they express their emotions. father and son. brother to brother. not in real life, no, that would just be creeper. more in writing and stories. books too, i suppose.

3 - when i plot, i usually start by writing down an idea. from there, they just keep coming and coming until they just stop and i walk away. it's annoying at times but at other times, so damn useful.

4 - sometimes i read stories written by peers in class and think... i could write that SO much better.

5 - i stalk people on the internet. ALL. THE. TIME.

6 - all the people in my phone have messed up names that help me remember who they are better. karys is jeffrey batswinger. dina is 'sexy ****** from the hood' and keyana is 'wannabe asian'. i'm cool, right?

7 - i can't sit through a movie without getting a totally irrelevant idea for a story.

hey Y'ALL, whatta be?

kay. i'm done with that.

so today i found out at school that one of my dance teachers died. i wasn't really close to him but it still kind of made me sad. but like everything, it takes something really small to actually make me cry after i get sad. so basically, karys and i were lunch monitoring and this teacher who always yells at us pulled a spaz and stalked us through the school to yell at us and tell us what horrible young girls we were. so then when we were complaining to our teacher i had a mini emotional breakdown. fun, no? and that's when i cried about the whole dance teacher thing.

may he rest in peace.

then so tonight, sam irwin and i went to see 'i am number four'. she was a last resort but was secretly really fun to have around. i think the people beside us were ready to kill us though as we wouldn't shut up and stop laughing. at one part where the guy was getting beat up, i was almost crying i was laughing so hard. i made a few enemies because of that, me thinks. and during the movie, the guy had an iPhone so whenever it would go off i'd always look down at my phone. the funny thing was that sam would do the same. and can i just say, alex pettyfer makes me want to jump someone. seriously. he's THAT. HOT.  so yessums, i'm just going to go now.

OH HAI. new story plot with rauden + james. pirates. royal families. magical powers. all good, no? it's actually a really angsty thing though. i'm scared of my own mind sometimes. more details to come eventually. i'm determined to plan this through before i go and ruin it with my pacing issues and such. and i kind of want to go re-read blacklisted.

lindsay got me these sick bracelets from cuba and they jangle when i move. wowza, she's trying hard to get me to forgive her and it's getting harder and harder to resist.

so i'm gonna head out now. gotta rest up for some personal training and lawson working tomorrow.



Thursday, February 24, 2011

can i just say something? it's amazing how oblivious teachers are about what i'm REALLY doing in class.

i was just thinking about it. if i don't feel like doing the work and that very moment then i...

A) Plot. this one is one of the more subtle ones as i plot usually in jot note forms and such. i also use such coded sentences that most can't figure out what i'm writing.

B) Draw. i tend to get caught occasionally while doing this but i don't care. once, instead of taking history notes, i drew a picture of a large army of elves for my friend and then handed it in instead of my notes. honestly, i could care less what they think, i get the grades to support that i'm learning.

C) Text. which is bad because i'm usually texting rachel, who's in class as well, or karys who is 90 % of the time right beside me.

D) Write. this can be inconspicuous if i'm doing it normally. but most of the time i fold it weirdly or pull faces. or say dialogue outloud so...

E) write lists or schedules. whenever we're going somewhere i always make a packing list during math. and for dance i make my schedules up from the emails i get on my phones. no one notices or cares, to be honest.

so teachers are oblivious. amen.

yah so let's go.


so basically keyana had us all cast but hadn't written a word of the play yet when it was due the next day. fun, no? so we all hung out in the hallway and gave her ideas of what to write then in the computer lab i helped her type it up with my mad typing skills.

it ended up being just okay. i was jamie. that's pretty much it, nothing interesting.


can i just say... shall we applaud my best friend on her script writing skills? :) though, she only did the first five or so chapters, it was still written very very well. and everyone had costumes and such and british accents.

so i was miss nightwing so i wore my black blouse with the pink flowers and then my black pencil skirt. my hair was in a bun also and i wore flats so it was all fun. honestly? karys and i had a scene together and we were awesome in it. she had to be sarcastic and bored while i was strict and almost... pretending to be nice. even when Jaylen leant out the door and yelled at people to SHUT THE HELL UP, we still continued and i got 100 % marks on my acting skills. so yeah man.


AHAHAHAHAHA. let's just say, the actors saved this play. in the practises, she honestly stood there while we all tried to get everyone to calm down and rehearse. it didn't work though so when we went in to do it... we went in blindly and just had to improv a lot of it. everyone had chopsticks as wands though. i was death eater 1 and i had a black coat and a black beany hat. now, shall i go through the scenes?

2 - so this was the wedding scene between fleur and bill. so everyone had to be walking in and i basically creeped on pretending to be a gangster with my hood up (to hide my hat as it was a sign of being a deatheater), pretending to be at the wedding and waving to people and such. so i sat down next to karys (who was hermione) and we shook hands and everyone was laughing cause they knew that i was a deatheater. so after the ceremony the music turned on and i went to walk away - towards madi and dina who were the other deatheaters and were hiding - when karys grabbed me and began to dance with me rather raucously which knocked off my hood. then, maddy and megan both dipped and came back up when megan (fleur) saw me and screamed. it was then that i cast a spell and the other deatheaters came in and we battled until they disapparated.

4 - so this is where voldemort shows up and is giving hogwarts and ultimatum. so the three of us were behind jaylen all giggling like little girls and cheering as he stood on a chair and talked. when he was done no one spoke because they weren't sure what to do. so in the silence i just yelled 'GO VOLDY! I LOVE YOU MASTER!' and madi and dina caught on. let's just say, we got a few laughs.

5 - harry goes to die. so i'm shining voldemorts shoes which i improved while he examines his nails. when potter enters her pushes me away and i hurry to stand beside him. he says his spiel when i go in teh silence because Jaylen forgot to say his lines... 'KILL HIM MASTER!' and jaylen whacks me over the head, calls me a prat and pushes me away. then he gets killed and YEAH.

7 - voldemorts telling htem their hero is dead. so ethan is just laying there and no one was saying anything to all us death eaters started cheering  and hollering. we even sang 'we are the champions' which made our teacher laugh almost until he cried. then the light side caught on and pretended to cry. then riley (neville) being HILARIOUS goes forwards and slices off naginis head and yeah then Ethan jumps up and does his speech. the three of us were booing too and madi even tried to trip ethan which got us a few laughs. when voldemort was killed though it made me laugh SO FRICKIN HARD when riley went up and checked his pulse. :D

ye so, i have to go write my second one. SEE YA.
LALALA hullo world (:

where am i? i am in the basement doing homework. what homework? well, lawson o`course cause the canadian educators of the world are cruel. plus i have/want to write the first scene in my OBR and maybe practise my speech once or twice? it's not that bad but it's still a bit blech at times. there's other stuff i should probably do but i don't think i will.

OH NOEZ. i'm beginning to really miss nanowrimo. i know, i know. it's been over since the 1st of december but it sort of just set in. before now i was just hanging out, cruising and the like and now i'm just missing it. it's a lot to go from writing 1,666 words a day to writing ony occasionally. i was talking to karys today about nanowrimo and when we'd write. we have such different style it's hilarious. it used to irritate her so much because she'd think she had so much ahead of me - because she wrote in the morning and through out the day - when i'd honestly write all 1,700 words in between eleven oclock and midnight and i couldn't write anytime before that. i don't know but that's just how i wrote.

i miss vesper and her catty remarks. i miss sebastiana nd his awkward loser-ness. i miss remy and how amazing he was at the same time as being downright evil. I WANT MY CHARACTERS BACK. i want to hug them and love them and write them. i'm going to go cry now.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

my throat hurts .

i wonder what kind of room mate i would be?

i'm guessing i'd be sort of in the middle of things, a bit stubborn perhaps? i mean, i'd want to talk and gab and stuff but i'd also need the room to be quiet so i could do my work. and iw ouldn't be afraid to set up some ground rules, though they'd all be reasonable. rules like ... no guys come home if i'm at the home. and just try and be considerate of loudnesssuch. and idk. :) just saying.

today was interesting. i was sick which sucked balls but what's a girl to do? i've been sick since monday when i didn't go to school and just lay huddled under my cozy brown blanket from chapters and read stuff. school was worse today than when i went tuesday which is weird. at one point i was walking around filing some thing when i stopped cause my head felt like it was about to fall off, forgot where i was for a moment, then continued. let's just say that dina, who was behind me, couldn't stop laughing at the look on my face. but i hung out with megan, josh, karys, alec, keyana, madison and jacob kang today so it was all cool.

i thought i was actually going to kill colin though. i was seriously worried that i would wake up tomorrow with blood seeping from my hands. he gave me back my peer editing sheet for the short story i wrote. and admittedly, i gave him cal and madi the bad copy cause it was the one on my email but it was still upsetting when he made up fucking corrections just to have some thing to put down and acted all condescending. he also denied that i could use 'stylism' in my writing. apparently, using different grammar than usual isn't allowed because i'm not at that age yet. WTF? but it's colin and he apologized when we were texting afterwards so i just sort of decided to forget it. still, i was seriously about to kill him over it. he may be one of my best friends but seriously?

i'm going to bed now. goodnight.

Monday, January 24, 2011

and we all fall down .


i'm in a lot of pain right now. =/

i was in open ext. line and me, alysha and poffball were fooling around and i went and did a normal kick, just as i always do. so then my supporting leg literally slipped underneath, flew into the air and i landed - as stiff as a board - all in one on my left side. everyone gasped and stuff and i almost passed out cause the wind was knocked out of me and i felt like i couldn't breathe. so i start half laughing half crying and lay there, trying to figure out if i'm gonna go unconscious. so then my teachAH goes and isn't all 'hey, you alright?'. nah. instead she berates me for fooling around. WHAT THE FUCK? i mean, come on! so now i'm in pain.

not to mention that i didn't go to school this morning because, as i said to my dad when i woke up, i felt like my head was about to fall off. i'm better now but i actually thought i was about to die in the morning. now my head is a bit better but my nose is sniffly and stuffed up and bleh. =/

but imma go to bed now so ta-ta!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

stressed spelled backwards is desserts .

me stomacho est killing me. =X i had to come home early from dance because of it. but now with some advil, lemon water and a bit of food, i'm feeling a bit better. i think i just need to sleep to be honest =S

blech. 4 days into the new year and i'm already filled up with home work. i have a french book report to say out loud in front of the class. and i have an evenements courrants thing do or some thing. then we have gifted next week. and we have extra math home work cause we're 'schausters'. then i have an english script i have to write, teach to actors in my class and present. but worst of all?

we have to write a short story for english tomorrow.

so whenever i groan about it or some thing people always look at it weird cause they know i love to write. the thing is i can only write when it hits me, i can never make myself write, and never when there's any one else near me. also, if i have a deadline, then my muses fly off to hawaii until it's passed. i've found out deadlines are like epidemics to muses, they run from them with every thing they've got. i was thinking of just giving in the story i wrote but i don't know. *sigh*

i just let my parents read my story, with a few changes of course, and i might hand it in eventually. i want to look over it again of course, and read it out loud a couple times to see if it flows and everything but i don't know. is it cheating? =X

and karys has a sick idea for a story that i'm jealous i didn't come up with. i'm SO excited to read it. = )

alright. one scene done on my english. plus the title page and the cast is 85 % done. i just need to confirm  2 people and get some more extras.

i'm going to go shower soon and then head to bed. tomorrow i'll print off my paper and just the casting sheet and see what's going on. but before i go to bed i might turn on my computer and open up some old stories that i'm thinking about transferring over to this computer for old times sake. i don't know but some of my newer ones from school last year aren't that bad.



Sunday, January 2, 2011

written on a whim .

                        Slide. Crash. Burn.
                  Some times the moments relives themselves. Without my consent. Without my permission. They just begin. I can be some where, minding my own, when I’ll get pulled into these memories and the next thing I know, I don’t even know where I am. The worst thing though, is that they’re not even my memories to relive.
         A man stands, his face contorted in blood.
         The tiny fists of a baby reach towards me.
         Laughter rings through my ears, a gun is held in my hands.
         And I know they’re real. If anything, by the sheer tidal wave of emotions that engulf me, drowning me in their cruel grasps. Yet, I know they’re not mine. For never have I felt such hatred as these memories bring forth in me.
         It’s become easier to think of them as creatures in themselves, entities that force themselves inside of me. If I imagine them like so, then the guilt can’t devour me as it used to, whenever the crying would stop and the face would go blank.
         The worse part? The fear that these things had actually occurred, that I had driven them from my mind myself and out of sheer terror had convinced myself of my genuine innocence to these happenings. Logic is never my friend when I’m scared like so. No, during these times of fright I can never remind myself the impossibility of them being real - as I could recall every moment that I was awake - the very thought of my guiltlessness extracted from my brain.
         The doctors say I’m not crazy, that I’m in here to protect myself.
         If I’m not crazy then why do I have these memories?
         If I’m not crazy then why is there padding on my walls?
         If I’m not crazy then I must be sane.
         But I’m not sane. No. I’m the farthest thing from it.
         You see, some times the moments relive themselves. Without my consent. Without my permission. They just begin. I can be some where, minding my own, when I’ll get pulled into these memories and the next thing I know, I don’t even know where I am. The worst thing though, is that the memory that is my own is the red sink as I washed the blood from my hands.

driving .

heyybitchess ! :)

mmm i am currently waiting for miss helena to get online so we can start rele playing ryan and rose once again. you see, a few years ago - i don't remember when exactly - when i had snuck onto a site i got banned from, we began this couple to write from. and this role playing isn't some kinky sex shit, nah, it's a writing excersize. hers is this sarcastic and smirky dude named ryan and mine is that tiny fireball named rose and we just sort of hit if off with those two. but we never got very far on them and decided today we'd reinstate them, better than ever! mmm this time though, rose is going to be a blonde music junkie who's living with her grandparents and works at a diner. <- decision i made just now but loving it.

i'm in the mood to go home, invite people over and just take pictures with my dslr. of course that's a little impossible considering we're about 18 hours away from our home. i miss home. i never thought i'd say that but i do. if i was home right now, karys would be over and we'd be spaced out on my floor or some thing, taking pictures and i miss that. maybe it's just the fact that i'm still waiting for helliebellie to get on so i can write but i'm sort of depressed. not to mention i'm sort of lowered in confidence some how or other. and i miss my friends. i miss jillian and, god, i miss lindsay though i still want to clock her for leaving. i miss karys and maddyy and miss megan and madison making me laugh till i cry. i miss connor and his 'i put my hands below yours, get it right' hugs and colin and his afro and i want to curl up and sleep but i'm in a friggin car for 18 more hours and i hate life. and now hellie apparently is too tired to talk with me. =/ now what am i going to do? homework? =/ i really should but i can't force myself to.



second of december

i think i'm suffering from phone withdrawal. whenever i see photos of people texting i get all shaky and jealous. only 23 hours until i can text again! ... twenty three hours in a car. fuck.

mmm it's really awesome as of now because miss helena is online and we're talking! whenever she's online it makes me grin like an idiot. hellie's just the kind of girl you can say any thing to at all and, depending on what it is, she probably won't care. or she'll tackle you in glee or agitation. whenever i have an email from her i grin from ear to ear, that's how amazing my bestfriend tends to be. =]]]]

so last night my parents were very inconsiderate and kept their very very very loud friends here until 3:30 in the morning. this might be fine but i can't sleep ... at all ... if there's noise around me. if there's a bit then i can usually tune it out but it came to the point that when they walked in when it was over, i was sitting on my sisters bed (she had conked out on mine for the last three hours) writing and glaring at them. so i finally went to bed after that but i was still really pissed off at them. i mean, at least keep it down instead of yelling and shit? not to mention that they were drinking and going to drive home. they said they were just buzzed but i sort of have a no tolerance policy for that kind of thing. whatever though, it's not like my opinion matters to my parents.

well, at least my dads taking us to ghiradelli's to get a milk shake one time before we start our drive home. at least.



Saturday, January 1, 2011

first of january III

kayso i really need to get my act together. i keep eating when i'm not hungry and messing up the date. grawr. i'm such an inner loser.

first of december II

okaysofirst, HARRY. POTTER. THEME. PARK. WAS. FRIKKIN. AMAZING. that'sall.

so on my little listey, i have durmstrang boys. so they had a bunch of the characters from schools and such walking around and conversing with people. so my sister and her friend were in a shop and i was waiting outside for them when this really hot durmstrang boy came up to me. so he was scowling like a true durmstrang boy and just came up and grunted to my back. so i was pretty annoyed already with my sister and friend taking so long so i sort of whipped around and glared at the dude all bitch-like. THEN he immediately stood up straighter and smiled and we had a mini conversation in which he told me i was supposedly the most powerful witch in all of the wizarding world, that i'd be brought up better if i went to durmstrang and he kissed my hand and strod off with a wink. it was the creepiest thing in all of eternity but also insanely sweet. :X

then we waited in line for 20 minutes to get into a wand demonstration at Ollivanders. so they let 24 people in or so and my sister, her friend and i all gathered into a corner. and dana had her camera up snapping pictures and when the door closes the 'wand - keeper / ollivander - fellow' immediately started on our way towards us. so i'm trying to look innocent and hiss at my sister to put her camera down when he points at me and goes 'you're here to get a wand'. so i nod like a dumb ass, he pulls another woman from the crowd and we go up to his desk. so then he starts jabbering on about wands and things when he pulls out two wands. i then had to whip my wand around and say 'accio ladder'. let's just say the shelves behind the ladder all went 'magically crazy'. :P the woman had a similar effect. and then the guy switched my wand and the other womans and they had wind come out of the floor and the inspirational harry potter music playing. so our wands essentially 'picked us'. :) it was pretty sweet. i have a reed wand of 15 inches with a dragon heartstring that's good in offensive magic and in his words 'very powerful indeed for such a short person'. so that was pretty cool.

and then there were the rides. it was more than an hour wait to get onto the big one that takes place in the castle in groups, so the three of us just went on as 'single riders' and got on in 20 minutes. while we were waiting there were the talking portraits and even the sorting hat. the actual ride though was AMAZING. it felt so real it made me sad. :( and quidditch? that was scary. though, you did get sprayed a bit by water.

the flight of the hippogriff was a kiddie coaster so it wasn't all that fun but it was fine.

the dragon challenge i'd already been on when it was in disney as just 'dueling dragons'. but now it was supposedly the hungarian horntail and the chinese fireball. at the top, because sarah and i were waiting for dana and my mother, i pretended to work there and people actually believed me and asked me questions about the park! xD then the real person who worked there showed up and kicked me out of my elite spot, but he was laughing. the red dragon was a lot bumpier than the other one.

BUTTERBEER. ohhhsooogooodd. it's like caramel and ice and sugar and just amazing. that's all i have to say either than i know why everyone loves it in the books.

oh and also, there was a post with a screen on it with the 'have you seen this wizard? sirius black?' posted onto it with a moving picture of sirius' mug shot. =D best. thing. of. life.

and they had all sorts of shops that you could and couldn't go into. there was a 'dervish and bangs' and a 'robe shop'. there were also a bunch you couldn't go into but you could look in the windows too. we did eat in the three broomsticks though! and we went into honeydukes and zonkos. i didn't buy any thing at zonkos but i did get a chocolate frog and bertie botts every flavored beans at honey dukes. yum! :)

when we left the park though and actually went to see the fireworks... it was pitiful! there was no countdown and only one firework went off! so we left... but then that one dude who was the singer in poison was playing a concert and started playing the 'iiii want to rock and roll all nighttttt, and party every day!' song and EVERYONE in the crowd as we left was singing it.

and these ladies when i was in quality quidditch supplies and paying for my quidditch shirt (potter :D) were all of a sudden talking and saying 'i want to go to canada, they're so nice' so then i showed them loonies and toonies and our colorful money and they were mesmerized. :X

but i'm now broke. shiat.

